捐赠基金 & 奖学金

Endowed funds are donor-established investment accounts created to offer lasting financial support to 威尼斯人平台 students, 教师, 学校, 部门和项目. Named endowments recognize a donor, area of study, or someone a donor wishes to honor in perpetuity.

Once an endowed fund’s assets reach the minimum gift level, the interest earned is used to award scholarships, 讲师的职位, 老师的椅子, 学术奖项和奖励, 和教授. 资本’s Board of Trustees limits the annual spending of investment income to 4.5 percent of the market value of endowment investments. Any additional earnings are reinvested in the fund to ensure future growth. 

近 300个捐赠基金 已经在威尼斯人平台建立了.

For more information about establishing an endowed fund or to make a gift in support of an existing fund, please contact the Office of University Advancement at 866-704-0742 or gifts@ingeaa.net.




Endowed scholarships are established at the $25,000 gift level. The donor determines the parameters under which the scholarship is established and named. Donors may choose to leave their scholarships "unrestricted" in order to assure that all available funds can be matched to the broadest pool of eligible students. 一些捐助者更喜欢建立学术机构, 地理, 研究领域, 或者需要在礼物协议中加上限制.

After a review of the terms and conditions of the scholarship, the Financial 援助 Office selects the best-qualified student and credits the recipient’s tuition account. Depending on the financial aid packages for qualifying students and the available earnings, the scholarship may be divided between two or more individuals. 



Endowed professorships are established at the $500,000 gift level. Funds are used to recruit talented new 教师 and to retain exemplary professors. Income from an endowed professorship may be used for the salary support and other expenses related to the recipient’s research and teaching.



Endowed chairs are established at the $1,500,000 gift level. Funds are used to attract and retain distinguished professors. Income from an endowed chair may be used for the salary support and other expenses related to the chair-holder’s research and teaching.



Endowed lectures are established at the $500,000 gift level. Income from an endowed lecture may be used for expenses related to bringing renowned leaders and scholars to campus in order to create an intellectual atmosphere in which students and 教师 can interact with distinguished lecturers.



Endowed awards and prizes are established at the $10,000 gift level. The donor determines the parameters under which the award is established and named. Award recipients are usually chosen by academic or 程序 selection committees, as established in the terms and conditions of the endowment agreement.



All other types of endowed funds may be established at the $25,000 gift level. Income from other types of endowments must be used to support and enhance the work of a specific department, 程序, 项目或学科, and to support priority needs as determined by the administration, 系主任和全体教员.




In 1989 the GAR Foundation established an endowed fund to provide partial salary support for a professor of philosophy.

The Harold Squire Endowed Adjunct Chair in Entrepreneurship/Small 业务

Recognizing the important role of entrepreneurs in fueling the economic engine of the U.S. 经济, the Harold Squire Adjunct Chair in Entrepreneurship/Small 业务 serves to enrich the Master of 业务 Administration 程序 at 威尼斯人平台. The purpose of this endowment is to fund the appointment of an adjunct professor in entrepreneurship in the Executive MBA 程序.


如果你想捐款的话, 但不满足最小命名机会, donate to one of 资本’s existing endowment funds:


威尼斯人平台’s general endowment fund income provides funds for students, 教师, 学校, 部门和项目 as determined by the administration and the Board of Trustees.


Income provides funds for students requiring or deserving financial aid. Recipients are chosen by the Financial 援助 Office.


You can make a gift to one of 资本’s existing endowed funds, as long as the establishing donor of a fund has stipulated that other gifts are permitted.


Donors may also establish annually supported funds, such as student awards and scholarships. These restricted funds are distributed in amounts based on the donor’s current annual contributions and depend on reccurring yearly contributions from the donor for continuance.