Early Arrival Housing

two Capital University students embracing

Coaches and leaders of trainings or orientation programs should review the Group Protocol.

除了那些被批准提前到达大学赞助的培训或定向项目(体育)的学生, Smooth Transitions, Orientation, etc.), 在8月12日之前,任何学生都不允许搬进宿舍, 2024 (for the Fall 2024 semester).

这包括在2024年8月12日之前租赁校外住房的学生. 学校不能接受8月12日之前提前到达的学生, 2024, 确保宿舍可以维修和清洁,以便入住.


The application is now available. Applications will be reviewed beginning July 1, 2024.

Apply for Early Arrival Housing

Deadlines and Billing

All Early Arrival applications must be submitted by July 31, 2024. After the deadline, 只有有特殊情况的学生才会被考虑提前到达,并将按照以下规定缴纳滞纳金. By submitting an application, you acknowledge all policies, fees, and expectations outlined on this page regarding early arrival.

提前入住的学生将在指定的入住日(8月17日)之前每晚收取15美元的费用, 2024; returning students – August 19, 2024). 对于迟交申请的个人,此费用将增加到每晚20美元. 提前到达费将在您的电子账单上显示为提前/中断住房费.


有资格提前到达的学生必须没有严重的违规行为记录(酗酒或滥用药物), residence hall or conduct probation, vandalism, security or safety violations, etc.) within the past 2 semesters. 此类违规行为将导致您的申请立即被拒绝, regardless of reason for applying. 申请提前到校的学生必须符合下列条件之一:

  1. 必须参加大学赞助的培训或入职培训. (Coach or group leader will submit roster - see below).
  2. 必须拥有威尼斯人平台60英里以外的永久居留权,并且在大学有勤工俭学的工作. Documented proof of employment will be required. 可接受的文件证明是雇主的电子邮件或信件,抬头包括联系人姓名, phone number, and the dates that the student is required to work. Work verification can be sent to residencelife@ingeaa.net.
  3. Extenuating circumstances.

PLEASE NOTE: 校外工作的学生不得在2024年8月12日前安排上班.

Maintenance and Housekeeping

大学尽最大努力确保所有宿舍都准备好入住. However, 提前搬进来的学生应该意识到,设施和客房部可能需要在学生搬进来后完成额外的工作(地毯清洁), painting, etc.). Residential & 通勤生活和设施将协同工作,为居民提供有关其分配空间的最新信息.

Check-Ins and Key Pick-Up

除非另有说明,提前到达的学生可以在住宿办公室领取钥匙 & Commuter Life, Monday through Friday, 9 am – 4 pm. 请尽量在这段时间内安排行程来取钥匙. 所有被批准的提前到达者将收到通知,确认钥匙领取时间和地点.

Policies and Procedures

  1. 宿舍外的门将一直锁着. 学生将只能通过大楼的前门进入他们的宿舍房间.
  2. 学生有责任检查每一扇门,确保门锁紧. Students must not prop open doors, give their student ID or room key to another person, or allow access to any unauthorized person. 进一步的学生承认,他们应该立即向公共安全部门报告任何安全或其他问题(614-236-6666).
  3. Students are encouraged to exercise care and caution. More importantly, 向公共安全部(614-236-6666)或贝克斯利警察局(614-239-8881)报告任何可疑人员. 在此期间,公共安全人员将定期在建筑物内巡逻. 一份允许提前到达的学生名单将提供威尼斯人平台公共安全部门. 任何未经授权的学生将被要求离开大楼,并受到纪律处分.
  4. 如果学校官员要求,学生必须证明自己的身份,并遵守学生手册. 除申请提前到达的学生外,任何人不得进入宿舍. 在宿舍开放之前,任何人(直系亲属除外)都不允许来访. 如果你允许未经授权的人进入宿舍, your early arrival privileges will be revoked immediately.
  5. 客房部工作人员将打扫宿舍,为开放做准备, and as such there might be temporary inconveniences. 建议居民不要干扰他们的清洁过程.
  6. 设施和其他大学官员可能必须进入我的房间进行维修或其他必要的宿舍保养.
  7. All University policies are in effect at all times.

Violation of the above policies and procedures, other applicable university policies, and local, state, 根据联邦法律,在上课前进入宿舍的特权将被立即取消,并受到其他适当的制裁.

Early Arrival Protocol for Groups

All questions, concerns and rosters can be directed to: residencelife@ingeaa.net.

  1. 教练或组长有责任提交一份需要提前到达的学生名单. All rosters can be sent to residencelife@ingeaa.net. 在发送花名册时,请确认学生需要在校的日期. 这些日期应限于学生参加有组织的实践的日子, workouts, or activities
  2. 作为批准团体的一部分抵达的学生不需要填写提前到达申请.
  3. 需要提前入住的学生必须得到住宿和通勤生活办公室的批准.
  4. Students must be in good conduct standing with the University. 参加体育或团体活动将不影响行为标准. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Residential & Commuter Life.
  5. Students will receive verification from the Office of Residential & Commuter Life via email to their Capital University email account. 批准提前到校的学生和未批准提前到校的学生都将收到通知.